In the context of the recitation of the Quran, tajwīd / tajwid / tajweed (Arabic: تَجْوِيدْ tajwīd, IPA:, 'elocution') is a set of 4.1/5(173). Tajweed Rules in Urdu & English - تجوید القرآن. Rules of the letter ‘Ra’ when read it, What’s Raa Tafkheem-rough / thick- ﺗَﻔْﺨِﻴْﻢ and Tarqeeq-soft / thin- ﺗَﺮْﻗِﻴْﻖ, Tajweed rules of Raa, when Raa should be pronounced Heavy or right in Hindi.Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins. Tajweed Lesson No 12: Tajweed Rules of Letter “Raa In Urdu With Examples & Exercise.